Many Questions, My Answers

Did you dye her hair? Does she have Vitiligo like that famous model?

As a parent I learned to have a filter. If I would see a child,that looks a little different. My first reaction would not be to ask the parent personal questions. The top #2 questions I get asked are #1. Did you dye her hair?! Oh she has that skin problem like that famous model right?! Honestly I could never bring myself to ask a parent that. I personally thought it was rude.  Even if they were thinking it,some things should not be said. Now I understand that it is pure curiosity. I live with Love baby,so she does not seem different in my eyes. I get asked these questions,whenever we go in public. It summer time so I can't place a hat on her lol. Even when I tell people she has piebaldism. They still say "Oh like the famous model who has Vitiligo? So instead of getting upset about these question. It shall be my goal to educate the world. On a funny note the whole grey/platinum blond hair is trending now. Lol I knew it would be ahead of time so we produced a pie baby <3

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