Friday, June 26, 2015

A family I never knew I had

So yesterday I was trying work on my blog along with my facebook fan page. I'm trying build my viewers to get the word out. I'm sure there are more parents out there in my shoes. I don't want them to feel they are alone in this!. I'm still trying to wrap my head around everything that's going on. Its a shame when I searched Piebaldism on Facebook not many things showed up. This search made me very sad until I stumbled onto this Facebook group filled with parents with children who have piebaldism. Also people who have it their self. I cant explain my excitement when I clicked the joint button. My heart was racing, I knew it would be a great thing. I started to scroll through the pictures posted on there. The first one was an adorable baby with hair just like my piebaby. my heart melted... I was finally home. I found it so incredible that the people are from all over the world. Yet somehow they all seemed to look like one big rare family.So I made a post introducing my self an my piebaby. I added a few colors to show off her beautiful marks an pure white hair.Everyone was so friendly an began to share their stories with me. Some said it was passed down from generation to generation. Others said their baby was first they ever known. Seeing the adult's picture really made me smile. I was trying piece together of how my piebaby will look when she gets older. I seen one woman post her wedding picture. Oh geez she was gorgeous! Seeing her in that veil with her beautiful white streak of hair showing. It was  precious moment that I cant wait for my daughter to have one day.I'm really looking forward to bounding with this group of amazing people.

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Always Learning Something New

In august I will be 28 years old! Yet life never seems to stop teaching me things. My days are not complete unless I feel accomplished about learning something new. In times I'm bored I will randomly go online searching topics. Not to brag or anything but I'm something like the Google Queen "heyyy". The other day I came across an article from Every summer I get eaten alive from mosquitoes. I Fell like a human buffet for them. After I had piebaby, things seemed to get worse. the moment I step outside I see them flying towards me. This does not make me a happy mama. In the article the talk about people with the blood type O. Which I so happen to have! we have a 85% higher chance than any other blood type to get eaten alive by bugs. Well not really eaten alive haha just attacked. I mean this seriously makes so much sense. I can be in a group of people an only I will have at least 10 or more bites. Meanwhile no one else got bit or they have like 1. This so is not fair at all in my eyes. So if you dislike the pesky little buggers. Come hang out with me, they will ignore you an come party on my skin. I mean hey I think everyone should have  blood type O friend to take with them camping! Its better than bug spray an dangerous candles. I see I'm going have to put my incredible "toots my horn" Google master ninja skills to use to find a away to build an invisible shield to keep me bite free this summer. Once unlock that secret code I promise to update every one. For now mama bear has to head out into the dangerous bug jungle to retrieve food for dinner tonight. Wish me luck <3

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Finding Out The Truth-Piebaldism

I kept looking at my daughter trying to register everything. Her skin was milky pale an a blondish.white streak of hair and the rest pitch black. I started texting pictures to the family. First I gave them a FYI hey the baby has a blonde streak of hair in the front. Then I sent the pictures haha. Everyone was confused an could not believe it. When my fiance called worried. I told him we had a beautiful baby girl. 5lbs 12oz 8inches long. She has your nose and she has a streak of platinum blonde hair. He thought I was joking I had to reassure him I was not. He was amazed and happy. Nurses would come in to check us. I found it so funny, I would wait for them to notice. Bam like clock work once they saw pie baby's hair their mouth dropped. Of course all the females were so jealous of her stylist hair. I was so in love so it didn't matter. wasn't until he first check-up I noticed her color coming in. No one else in my family was like this as I could remember. So I didn't may it much mind I figured her color was just coming in slow....So that's what I was trying to convince my self of. As a mother we just know in our hearts about certain things. So one night I couldn't sleep at all. I went on google looking for answers. The only thing I could find was vitiligio. Nothing about a baby getting darker but only in some spots. So I turned to my 2 mommie groups I was apart of. 1. was a breastfeeding group. 2. was  baby wearing group. I love these women! when ever I had questions I could easily go on an ask a question. I got a great amount of support. So I took posted few pics of my daughter when she was born. I also posted pics of the progress of her skin color changing. I asked if any other moms went through this. of course 95% of the answers were vitiligio. some had no idea what could be happening but they were just in love with my daughter. There was on woman that posted info about piebaldism. The picture of the baby looked just like mine! the white hair streak was the dead giveaway. not sure why I didn't think her hair would be apart of this. I was just so focused on her skin. so I did some research on it. in my heart I knew that's what she had maybe I was in a little denial. I ended up crying my self to sleep. as a woman I know how important our body is. we get made fun of if we don't fit the mold of the perfect woman in society. I didn't want my daughter to go through anything extra in life. As any mother I wanted to protect her. Live a happy life without worrying if she will find a great man to love her. I talked to a few friends, they all reassured me everything would be ok. Who actually wants to fit in any more haha. So at her 4 month check up her Dr. came in the room. I love this guy he is super duper happy. We chatted for a few minutes. He asked if I had any questions. So I said hey im a little worried about her skin color. I think she might have......Bam he cut me off an says "piebaldism" ugh y heart dropped. He said yup her white forelock is a giveaway. He started to give me tips on how to deal with everything. Told me how rare an beautiful this is. He said embrace it! Most kids who do not fit the "perfect mold of society" usually have higher self esteem than other kids who fit right in. He said the different ones are more confident. He gave me some suggestion on possible treatments. He made sure to stress, hey she is beautiful I would leave her the way she is! He told me start a blog, share your wonderful journey with the world! Make people aware something so rare. Share your journey an success as a mother. I held back the tears. I was thinking wow this man is incredible an he is right. So that's what my goal is to do share our story. the ups-downs! Im so new to this so we can learn together. I feel so lucky to have a great support system. I also feel so lucky to have such a rare beauty. Oh man wait until I reveal her face! her eyes will simply make you melt, make your uterus flutter <3

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Summer time cutie pie

We don't spend much time in the sun. Her skin is so sensative,especially the white patches. She can get sunburn very easy also a higher chance of developing skin cancer. So no day trips for us, unless it's in the ac haha. I'm going do some researching tonight to find a really good sunblock for her. Pie baby doesn't really like the heat. She likes to be home with the ac on hanging on with her diaper on. Awww isn't that the life? I'm jealous as times because babies have it made. If we do go outside some where by time we get home she beyond pooped out! Then she ends up like this picture hehe. It's so hard being a 4 month old.

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Pie Baby' lov-li streak

When she started to get her color this is when we noticed the white streak on her forehead a lot more

Pie Baby 3 days old

As you can see she was very pale. I was even questioned if she was an albino.

How lovely is that

This is Pie Baby at 4 months old. The most beautiful example of piebaldism. as of now I do not wish to reveal her face. First I Will like to build a bond with my readers. Maybe one day when the time is right .

Monday, June 15, 2015

A love so rare

June 16th 2014 my life had a major change. That very day I found out I would be having my 3rd or 4th child. I already have twins so my chances were pretty high on another set.
*wipes the sweat off my forehead* haha :) My first OB appointment was not until August 8th. Oh geez was I so anxious. I needed to know asap if I was having twins again. So that day came an oh boy there was only 1 baby. Now fiance was trying very hard to find an extra baby hidden. I went home to stuff my face and look at the pictures of my baby. As the months went on a lot of not so good things happened. My pregnancy was high risk due to me delivering the twins at 24 weeks. Around 10 weeks I started to bleed heavy with pie baby. You want to talk about fear ugh. Wasn't sure if I want to cry,scream or get down on my knees to ask the universe for help. Everything turned out fine but i had weekly or biweekly cervix checks. Not my cup of tea really but anything for my unborn. Sept 16th I found out Pie baby was a girl!

I swore up and down I was going to have a boy! I even dreamed of him and told everyone I was having a boy haha. Going into the baby section looking at all the pretty pink sparkle dresses made me forget I even wanted a boy. My pregnancy was 100% harder on my body than with the twins. There were plenty of moment I feared I would deliver very early. Once I hit 27 weeks I felt so much better. Once I hit 32 weeks I knew my baby would be safe. I had a few scares ended in the hospital. But she held out until her scheduled c-section date. Me and my fiance wanted valentines day. I had my heart set on it! My heart was broken when my Dr. said "No you have to deliver feb 10th" I was so mad but then I was like ok fine that's 4 days faster. I needed my baby in my arms. I needed to know how soft her skin was. How she looked,smelled and felt in my arms. During my surgery prep my Dr. knew I was very nervous. So he tried to small talk me but oh I knew that huge needle was coming for my back! He mentioned oh the baby will be born 4 days before Valentines day.

I instantly got upset and began to rant about them not giving me Valentines day. Then he told me his birthday was Valentines day. Right there I knew everything would be okay. It was a sign the Dr. delivering my baby has the birthday i cried so much about. Once they finally got pie baby out of me. There was silence,right there my heart dropped. In my head I said "why don't I hear my baby" "why is nobody saying anything" "please let her be ok". Then I heard her sweet cry. My mother kept trying run over to see the baby. They had to warn her at least 3 times she had to wait haha. Finally Im drained, almost falling asleep. My mother gets the okay, to head over. She comes back and says " oh my god your baby has blond hair".

Quick run down I am hispanic and black. Carmel complexion my hair ranged from dark brown to reddish/blonde. So Im very confused what is going on. My mother said "she has a streak of like platinum blonde hair" I just look at her confused. She runs over to take a picture then comes back.  I look at her phone just totally amazed. Then my mother bring the baby over to me. she says "here is your baby" So you know thats when the water works started. Finally she was here, I kissed her. Now all the Drs are chatting amazed on her hair. They all say they never seen anything like it. I get back to my recovery room. They bring pie baby to me. I automatically started nursing her. One by one doctors came in asking to see her hair. Then some came asking if their co worker could see the baby. Oh I should have know right there my life would change.