Friday, June 26, 2015
A family I never knew I had
Thursday, June 25, 2015
Always Learning Something New
Wednesday, June 24, 2015
Finding Out The Truth-Piebaldism
Wednesday, June 17, 2015
Summer time cutie pie
We don't spend much time in the sun. Her skin is so sensative,especially the white patches. She can get sunburn very easy also a higher chance of developing skin cancer. So no day trips for us, unless it's in the ac haha. I'm going do some researching tonight to find a really good sunblock for her. Pie baby doesn't really like the heat. She likes to be home with the ac on hanging on with her diaper on. Awww isn't that the life? I'm jealous as times because babies have it made. If we do go outside some where by time we get home she beyond pooped out! Then she ends up like this picture hehe. It's so hard being a 4 month old.
Tuesday, June 16, 2015
Pie Baby' lov-li streak
When she started to get her color this is when we noticed the white streak on her forehead a lot more
How lovely is that
This is Pie Baby at 4 months old. The most beautiful example of piebaldism. as of now I do not wish to reveal her face. First I Will like to build a bond with my readers. Maybe one day when the time is right .
Monday, June 15, 2015
A love so rare
*wipes the sweat off my forehead* haha :) My first OB appointment was not until August 8th. Oh geez was I so anxious. I needed to know asap if I was having twins again. So that day came an oh boy there was only 1 baby. Now fiance was trying very hard to find an extra baby hidden. I went home to stuff my face and look at the pictures of my baby. As the months went on a lot of not so good things happened. My pregnancy was high risk due to me delivering the twins at 24 weeks. Around 10 weeks I started to bleed heavy with pie baby. You want to talk about fear ugh. Wasn't sure if I want to cry,scream or get down on my knees to ask the universe for help. Everything turned out fine but i had weekly or biweekly cervix checks. Not my cup of tea really but anything for my unborn. Sept 16th I found out Pie baby was a girl!
I swore up and down I was going to have a boy! I even dreamed of him and told everyone I was having a boy haha. Going into the baby section looking at all the pretty pink sparkle dresses made me forget I even wanted a boy. My pregnancy was 100% harder on my body than with the twins. There were plenty of moment I feared I would deliver very early. Once I hit 27 weeks I felt so much better. Once I hit 32 weeks I knew my baby would be safe. I had a few scares ended in the hospital. But she held out until her scheduled c-section date. Me and my fiance wanted valentines day. I had my heart set on it! My heart was broken when my Dr. said "No you have to deliver feb 10th" I was so mad but then I was like ok fine that's 4 days faster. I needed my baby in my arms. I needed to know how soft her skin was. How she looked,smelled and felt in my arms. During my surgery prep my Dr. knew I was very nervous. So he tried to small talk me but oh I knew that huge needle was coming for my back! He mentioned oh the baby will be born 4 days before Valentines day.
I instantly got upset and began to rant about them not giving me Valentines day. Then he told me his birthday was Valentines day. Right there I knew everything would be okay. It was a sign the Dr. delivering my baby has the birthday i cried so much about. Once they finally got pie baby out of me. There was silence,right there my heart dropped. In my head I said "why don't I hear my baby" "why is nobody saying anything" "please let her be ok". Then I heard her sweet cry. My mother kept trying run over to see the baby. They had to warn her at least 3 times she had to wait haha. Finally Im drained, almost falling asleep. My mother gets the okay, to head over. She comes back and says " oh my god your baby has blond hair".
Quick run down I am hispanic and black. Carmel complexion my hair ranged from dark brown to reddish/blonde. So Im very confused what is going on. My mother said "she has a streak of like platinum blonde hair" I just look at her confused. She runs over to take a picture then comes back. I look at her phone just totally amazed. Then my mother bring the baby over to me. she says "here is your baby" So you know thats when the water works started. Finally she was here, I kissed her. Now all the Drs are chatting amazed on her hair. They all say they never seen anything like it. I get back to my recovery room. They bring pie baby to me. I automatically started nursing her. One by one doctors came in asking to see her hair. Then some came asking if their co worker could see the baby. Oh I should have know right there my life would change.